
The War Memorial of Korea

"Experience the rich history and noble sacrifice of the Korean War at the War Memorial of Korea, where you can explore 33,000 artifacts, participate in educational programs, and witness awe-inspiring military events."

Welcome to The War Memorial of Korea, a must-visit destination for anyone interested in the history and culture of this beautiful country. Located in the heart of Seoul, in Yongsan-gu, this remarkable museum is dedicated to preserving the memory and honoring the sacrifices made during the Korean War.

Established in 1994, The War Memorial of Korea was created to commemorate the noble sacrifice of patriotic martyrs. With its vast collection of approximately 33,000 artifacts, of which 10,000 are on display, this museum offers a truly immersive experience into the history of Korea.

As you explore the six separate indoor halls, you’ll be taken on a journey through time. The Expeditionary Forces Room allows you to discover the contributions of the Korean military in international peacekeeping efforts. The Patriotic Memorial Room pays tribute to the heroes who fought for their country’s independence. The War History Room delves into the various conflicts in Korean history, offering valuable insights into the nation’s resilience. The 6·25 Korean War Room tells the story of the Korean War, a pivotal moment in the country’s history. The Development Hall showcases Korea’s incredible progress and achievements since the war. And lastly, the Large Machinery Room displays impressive military equipment that will leave you in awe.

But the experience doesn’t end there. The outdoor exhibition features a collection of large-sized weapons, allowing you to appreciate the sheer power and magnitude of these military marvels. For those seeking a more interactive experience, The War Memorial of Korea offers 20 educational programs and diverse cultural events. From military music performances to honor guard events, there’s something for everyone. You’ll even have the chance to participate in a drawing contest and other engaging cultural activities.

As you venture through the museum, you’ll notice a friendly character called ‘Mudori’ accompanying you. Mudori, represented by a helmet symbolizing the protection of the nation and a bay leaf signifying peace, embodies the spirit of The War Memorial of Korea.

Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a curious traveler, or simply someone looking to pay respects to the brave souls who fought for freedom, The War Memorial of Korea is a place that will leave a lasting impression. Come and embark on a journey through time, and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of this extraordinary nation.