
National Memorial of Korean Provisional Government

Experience the rich history and spirit of the Korean Provisional Government's fight for independence at the National Memorial. Explore its impressive four-story building, featuring permanent exhibits that depict historic events and a special exhibition titled "The Return of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea." Don't miss the stunning outdoor plaza with its symbolic wall installation, representing the waves of Korea's past, present, and future.

Welcome to the National Memorial of Korean Provisional Government! Located in the heart of Seoul, this magnificent memorial serves as a tribute to the proud history of the Korean Provisional Government’s fight for independence and the spirit of democracy. As a tourist, you are in for a truly enlightening and captivating experience.

Spanning an impressive four stories with three underground floors, the memorial building encompasses a variety of fascinating exhibits and engaging spaces. With a total area of 3,656 square meters, a floor area of 9,703 square meters, and an exhibition space of 2,240 square meters, you can expect to immerse yourself in the rich history and significance of the Korean Provisional Government.

The permanent exhibits at the memorial take you on a captivating journey through the pivotal moments that shaped the formation of the Provisional Government. From the iconic March 1st Movement, which served as a turning point in the fight for independence, to the establishment of the Korean Government that carried the torch of the provisional government, you will gain a deep understanding of the struggles and triumphs that defined this period of Korean history.

In addition to the permanent exhibits, the memorial also hosts a special exhibit on the first floor. Currently, this special opening exhibition titled “The Return of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea” offers a unique and insightful perspective on the legacy of the Provisional Government.

As you explore the memorial, don’t forget to visit the Symbol Plaza and the rooftop garden. The Symbol Plaza features a symbolic wall installation called “Waves of History,” which beautifully captures the Provisional Government’s unwavering desire for independence and the ever-evolving dynamics of Korea’s past, present, and future.

Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a lover of democracy, or simply curious about Korea’s rich heritage, the National Memorial of Korean Provisional Government promises to be an unforgettable destination. Prepare to be moved, inspired, and educated as you delve into the remarkable story of this momentous period in Korean history.

So come on in, and let the National Memorial of Korean Provisional Government transport you back in time and leave you with a deeper appreciation for the indomitable spirit of the Korean people.