Filial Son Jung Jaesu Memorial Hall

Experience the touching story of bravery and devotion at the Filial Son Jung Jaesu Memorial Hall, where you can explore the exhibition rooms showcasing the materials and works related to Jung Jaesu, and even step into the classroom where he once studied. Don't miss the opportunity to be inspired by this remarkable tale of selflessness.

Welcome to Filial Son Jung Jaesu Memorial Hall, a place that pays tribute to the incredible bravery and selflessness of a young hero. As you step through the doors of this memorial hall, you are transported back in time to a story that will leave you inspired and moved.

Constructed to honor the memory of Jung Jaesu, a young boy who sacrificed his own life to save his father, this memorial hall stands as a testament to the power of filial piety and the indomitable spirit of heroism. Opening its doors on June 12, 2001, at the former Sasan Elementary School where Jung was a student, the Filial Son Jung Jaesu Memorial Hall offers visitors a chance to delve into the life and legacy of this extraordinary young soul.

On the first floor, you will find the Jung Jaesu Exhibition Room, where a rich collection of materials relating to Jung’s unwavering devotion is beautifully displayed. Each artifact, photograph, and written account tells a story of a young boy’s selflessness and love for his family. As you immerse yourself in these exhibits, you cannot help but be captivated by the depth of Jung’s character and the impact he continues to have on those who hear his tale.

Venturing up to the second floor, you will discover the Memorial Room, a space that truly celebrates the impact of Jung’s virtuous deed. Here, you will find an array of various materials and works created by students, as well as the very classroom in which Jung studied. As you gaze upon his desk and chair, you may be overcome with a profound sense of reverence, realizing that this is the very spot where a young hero nurtured his dreams and ultimately made the ultimate sacrifice.

The Memorial Hall also houses a theater, where you can watch movies that delve into the themes of devotion and selflessness, including a poignant portrayal of Jung’s heroic act. This theater is not only a place for contemplation and reflection but is also used for seminars and conferences centered around the values that Jung embodied.

As you explore Filial Son Jung Jaesu Memorial Hall, you will be taken on an emotional journey like no other. The story of Jung Jaesu will resonate within you, reminding you of the power of love, sacrifice, and the boundless potential that lies within each of us.

We invite you to join us on this extraordinary pilgrimage as we honor the bravery of a young hero and celebrate the values that he so valiantly embodied. Welcome to Filial Son Jung Jaesu Memorial Hall, where the legacy of a selfless act lives on, inspiring generations to come.