
Buk-Seoul Museum of Art

Discover the vibrant world of art at the Buk-Seoul Museum of Art in Seoul, where you can explore diverse exhibitions, immerse yourself in a children's gallery, and engage in captivating cultural activities that will leave you inspired.

Welcome to the Buk-Seoul Museum of Art, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Seoul. As a tourist exploring this vibrant city, you’ll be delighted to discover this cultural haven in the neighborhood of Junggye-dong, Nowon-gu.

Covering a vast ground area of 17,113 ㎡, the Buk-Seoul Museum of Art offers an immersive experience that will captivate art enthusiasts and curious travelers alike. With three basement levels and three above-ground levels, the museum boasts an impressive structure that is both modern and inviting.

Upon entering the museum, you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of artistic wonders. The first and second floors are home to four large planned exhibition halls, each showcasing a diverse range of artwork that will leave you inspired and mesmerized. From contemporary masterpieces to traditional Korean art, the collections here offer a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Korea.

As you explore the various exhibitions, don’t forget to venture down to the first basement level, where you’ll find the charming children’s gallery. Designed to spark creativity and imagination in young minds, this interactive space invites children (and the young at heart) to engage with art in a playful and educational way.

Beyond the captivating exhibitions, the Buk-Seoul Museum of Art is committed to providing a well-rounded experience for its visitors. The museum offers a variety of educational programs, workshops, and cultural activities that invite you to dive deeper into the world of art. Whether you’re interested in trying your hand at traditional Korean crafts or attending a thought-provoking lecture, these enriching experiences will enhance your understanding and appreciation of art.

As you explore the museum, be sure to take advantage of the knowledgeable and friendly staff who are always on hand to answer your questions and provide insights into the artwork on display. They are eager to share their passion for art and ensure that your visit is both enjoyable and enlightening.

At the Buk-Seoul Museum of Art, art is not just confined to the gallery walls; it is a living, breathing force that connects people from all walks of life. So, whether you are a seasoned art connoisseur or simply someone curious about the beauty of expression, this museum welcomes you with open arms.

Immerse yourself in the world of art, let your imagination soar, and discover the wonders that await you at the Buk-Seoul Museum of Art.