
Bohemian Park I-Choo Coffee – Main Branch

Experience the charm of Bohemian coffee at Bohemian Park I-Choo Coffee, where Korea's first-generation barista, Park I-Choo, resides. With a roasting method developed in Italy and Japan, this cozy spot in Gangneung offers a unique atmosphere and a chance to savor coffee like never before. Don't forget to explore their antique-inspired coffee cups and grab some drip-bag coffee packages or beans to take home as souvenirs.

Welcome to Bohemian Park I-Choo Coffee – Main Branch, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Gangneung. As a tourist, you’re in for a treat as you step into the world of Korea’s first-generation barista, Park I-Choo.

Bohemian Park I-Choo Coffee played a pivotal role in putting Gangneung on the map as a city of coffee. In the 2000s, this charming establishment became the birthplace of Bohemian coffee, a unique blend that captivated coffee enthusiasts far and wide. The roasting method used here draws inspiration from Italy and Japan, resulting in a brew that offers a smooth taste and minimal acidity. If you’re someone who is sensitive to the usual coffee acidity, prepare to be pleasantly surprised.

As you make your way to Bohemian Park I-Choo Coffee, be aware that it’s a popular spot and there is often a waiting list. To make the most of your visit, we recommend arriving with plenty of time to spare. Once you arrive, be sure to sign up for the waiting list and embrace the anticipation as you eagerly await your turn to experience the magic of Bohemian coffee.

As you step inside, you’ll find yourself immersed in an antique ambiance that adds to the allure of this unique coffee haven. Take a moment to admire the intricate design of the coffee cups and utensils, each telling a story of its own. If you find yourself falling in love with the experience, fear not! Bohemian Park I-Choo Coffee offers drip-bag coffee packages and beans for sale, allowing you to take a piece of this extraordinary coffee journey back home with you.

Convenience is key, and Bohemian Park I-Choo Coffee ensures just that. Parking is available right in front of the store, ensuring a hassle-free visit. If the front spots are taken, don’t worry – there’s a separate parking lot just a short distance away.

Bohemian Park I-Choo Coffee – Main Branch invites you to embark on a one-of-a-kind coffee adventure. Whether you’re a coffee connoisseur or simply seeking a delightful experience, this is a destination that should not be missed. So come on in, sip on a cup of excellence, and let the enchanting world of Bohemian coffee captivate your senses.