Gift a Healing Meal at Dallaechon Restaurant

A Visit To Dalraechon (달래촌) – A Farmer’s Restaurant That Warms The Heart

As a lover of authentic Korean cuisine and culture, I had the pleasure of visiting Dalraechon (달래촌), a delightful farmer-run restaurant nestled in the beautiful region of Gangwon-do (강원도), Yangyang-gun (양양군).
The name Dalraechon, which exudes the ambiance of spring, is based on the Korean phrase for “soothing the heart.” This charming restaurant aims to provide the guests with a healthful dining experience using fresh greens, medicinal herbs, and eco-friendly farm produce that flourish in the mountains and fields during spring.

Experience The Gift of A Healing Meal

Dalraechon (달래촌) operates under the slogan “Presenting a meal that becomes medicine” (약이되는 밥상을 선물하다), putting primary focus on the health benefits of the food they serve. Their meals are not only delicious but also nourishing, embodying the restaurant’s dedication to promoting wellness through food.

Details for Your Visit

  • Address: 634 Hwasangcheon-ro, Hyunnam-myeon, Yangyang-gun, Gangwon-do (강원도 양양군 현남면 화상천로 634)
  • Opening Hours: It opens daily from 10:30 to 20:00 (매일 10:30 ~ 20:00), except for the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month (매월 1, 3주차 화요일).
  • Telephone: You can reach them at 033-673-2201 for any queries or reservations.

Experience the soothing atmosphere, the kindly service, and most importantly, the healthful, delicious meals at Dalraechon (달래촌). Give yourself the gift of a healing meal.

More Images from Dalraechon (달래촌)