Farmer Chefs Aged Kimchi Delight: Enjoy the Taste of 10-Year Aged Kimchi from a Clay Pot

Nongmin Chef’s Muk-Un-Ji Hwaryeon (농민쉐프의 묵은지 화련)

Located in the heart of Chungcheongbuk-do Province, in Jinchon-gun Doksan-myeon, lies Nongmin Chef’s Muk-Un-Ji Hwaryeon (농민쉐프의 묵은지 화련), a unique dining experience where the farmers are the chefs, and the food is a celebration of traditional Korean culture.

Experience Authentic Korean Cuisine

The restaurant’s slogan, “The taste of Muk-Un-Ji aged for 10 years in an underground clay jar” (토굴항아리에서 10년 숙성시킨 묵은지의 맛), paints a vivid picture of the culinary journey that awaits you. Muk-Un-Ji is a traditional Korean food, made by preserving kimchi at the end of November to early December in the past when there were no refrigerators, and eating it until the following summer.

Farm to Table

The unique aspect of the Nongmin Chef’s Muk-Un-Ji Hwaryeon is that the ingredients used to make the kimchi are grown by the farmers themselves. The kimchi is then aged in an underground clay jar for 10 years, bringing forth a flavor that has been passed down through generations.

Operating Hours and Contact Information

  • Opening Hours: Open throughout the year (상시운영)
  • Hours of Operation: 10:30 AM ~ 8:30 PM
  • Closed On: Lunar New Year and Chuseok Holidays (설날, 주석연휴)
  • Telephone: 043-536-5191
  • Address: 73 Iyeongnamro, Deoksan-myeon, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do (충청북도 진천군 덕산면 이영남로 73)

Get ready to embark on a culinary journey that blends time-honored traditions and fresh ingredients, creating a wholly unique and unforgettable dining experience at Nongmin Chef’s Muk-Un-Ji Hwaryeon.