Discover Hidden Stories at Dotori Camp: A Fairy Tale Camping Experience!

Acorn Campground – A Place Full of Stories Like a Fairy Tale Book

Acorn Campground

The Acorn Campground, also known as ‘도토리캠프’ in Korean, is a peaceful and cosy campsite that has been creatively repurposed from a closed school. With over 30 spacious crushed rock sites, this campground offers ample room for comfortable tent camping. One of the classrooms has been converted into an indoor soccer field, providing a space for children to run around and play soccer. Another room houses a library-cum-play area, where families can gather around to read books or engage in fun activities.

On weekend evenings, the library hosts movie screenings, providing a perfect opportunity for some laid-back entertainment. A trampoline is available for children to jump their hearts out, while a swimming pool allows for refreshing water play during the summer. In winter, a sledding area is set up for some snow-filled fun.

All facilities are well-maintained, including modern sinks at the water points and dressing rooms and hairdryers in the shower facilities. For novice campers, the campground provides full tent equipment for rent, encouraging everyone to have a go at camping without fear.

Location and Contact Information

  • Address: 737 Gwangje Mountain Road, Myeongseok District, Jinju City, Gyeongnam Province
  • Telephone: 010-9963-2667

Although there are no specific nearby activities listed, the tranquil location of the Acorn Campground, with its natural surroundings, is bound to provide a restful and rejuvenating experience for campers.