Seoul National Cemetery

Visit Seoul National Cemetery, a serene and solemn destination where the remains of 165,000 martyrs and soldiers are laid to rest. Explore the expansive grounds and pay tribute to the brave patriots who sacrificed themselves for their country.

Discover the Historic Seoul National Cemetery

Welcome to Seoul National Cemetery, a place of honor and remembrance that pays tribute to the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for their country. Nestled in the foothills of Gwanaksan Mountain and overlooking the majestic Hangang River, this historic site is a must-visit for those seeking to learn more about South Korea’s rich history and pay their respects to the fallen heroes.

A Place of Remembrance

Seoul National Cemetery spans an impressive area of approximately 1,430,000 ㎡, serving as the final resting place for 165,000 martyrs, soldiers, police officers, and reserve forces. Within the Memorial Tower, you will find memorial tablets honoring approximately 104,000 soldiers who gave their lives during the Korean War, as well as the remains of around 7,000 unknown soldiers. The Burial Plots, divided into different sections, house the remains of over 54,000 martyred patriots, including soldiers, police officers, meritorious citizens, and key figures of the provisional government.

Every year on June 6th, Memorial Day, Seoul National Cemetery becomes a focal point for commemoration. During this time, visitors can participate in memorial services and events to honor the brave patriots who fought tirelessly for their country. It is a poignant and moving experience that allows us to reflect on the sacrifices made by these extraordinary individuals.

Awe-Inspiring Facilities

As you explore Seoul National Cemetery, you will come across a range of facilities that enhance your understanding of the site’s historical significance. The Memorial Gate welcomes you to the cemetery, setting the tone for a solemn and respectful visit. The Memorial Tower stands as a symbol of remembrance, housing the memorial tablets and representing the sacrifices of those who fought during the Korean War.

Other notable facilities include the Chungseong Fountain Tower, the Holy Ground, the Photographic Exhibition House, the Educational Movie Theater, and the Relics Exhibition House. Each of these spaces offers a unique perspective on the history and culture of South Korea, providing visitors with a comprehensive understanding of the sacrifices made by its people.

A Place of National Significance

Seoul National Cemetery holds deep significance for the nation. Established as the National Military Cemetery in 1955, it was later elevated to the status of a National Cemetery in 1965. In 1996, the managing institution underwent a name change, becoming the National Memorial Board, further emphasizing the importance of this historic site.

As you wander through the grounds, take a moment to absorb the gravity of the place and pay your respects to the heroes who rest here. Seoul National Cemetery stands as a testament to the resilience and patriotism of the South Korean people and serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made to ensure the freedom and prosperity of future generations.

Plan your visit to Seoul National Cemetery today and embark on a journey of remembrance, appreciation, and understanding.