Dolsandaegyo Bridge

Experience the enchanting beauty of Yeosu's Dolsandaegyo Bridge, a symbol of the city that illuminates the night sky in a mesmerizing array of colors, and explore the rich history of Dolsan Island, a majestic fortress that safeguarded the nation during the Joseon dynasty.

Introduction to Dolsandaegyo Bridge

Welcome to Yeosu, a city bursting with stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. As you explore this charming coastal destination, one architectural marvel that you simply cannot miss is the Dolsandaegyo Bridge. Spanning across the crystal-clear waters, this bridge connects Dolsan Island to the mainland and stands as a symbol of the city’s resilience and historical significance. Let’s dive deeper into the intriguing history and fascinating features of Dolsandaegyo Bridge.

A Fortress in the Ocean

Imagine a fortress standing tall amidst the vast ocean, protecting the nation from invaders and pirates. Dolsan Island, where Dolsandaegyo Bridge stands, played precisely this role during the Joseon dynasty. This island served as a strategic outpost, shielding the nation from any harm. Today, as you cross the bridge, you can’t help but feel the echoes of history resonating through the air.

A Beacon of Connectivity

Construction on Dolsandaegyo Bridge began in 1980, a monumental project that aimed to enhance connectivity and facilitate transportation between Dolsan Island and the mainland. The bridge was completed in 1984, and since then, it has become a lifeline for residents and a beloved landmark for visitors. As you walk or drive across this majestic structure, you’ll experience a sense of unity, connecting two worlds in harmony.

A Dazzling Display of Lights

When the sun sets, Dolsandaegyo Bridge transforms into a captivating spectacle of colors and lights. As darkness descends, the bridge is beautifully illuminated, creating a mesmerizing visual feast for all who witness it. The vibrant lights dancing across the bridge’s expanse reflect the city’s vibrant spirit and its unwavering dedication to creating unforgettable experiences for its residents and guests.

Discover Dolsan Park

Right above the bridge, overlooking the shimmering waters, lies Dolsan Park. This serene oasis was established in celebration of the bridge’s opening and offers a perfect vantage point to admire the grandeur of Dolsandaegyo Bridge. Take a leisurely stroll through the park’s lush greenery, breathe in the fresh ocean breeze, and soak up the panoramic views that stretch as far as the eye can see. Dolsan Park is not just a park, but a gateway to tranquility and natural beauty.


Dolsandaegyo Bridge is more than just a bridge; it’s a testament to Yeosu’s rich history and unwavering spirit. As you explore this captivating city, take the time to visit this architectural marvel and immerse yourself in its beauty. Whether you admire it during the day or witness its transformation under the night sky, Dolsandaegyo Bridge will leave an indelible mark on your journey through Yeosu.