
Welcome to Naju-si, a charming city located in the central-western region of Jeollanam-do, South Korea. With its beautiful landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and unique attractions, Naju-si offers a delightful experience for travelers seeking an off-the-beaten-path destination. Whether youre interested in exploring historical sites, enjoying natures beauty, or indulging in local cuisine, Naju-si has something for everyone.

Why visit Naju-si:

  1. Rich cultural heritage: Naju-si is known as a godo or ancient capital of the Honam region, with historical sites and cultural treasures dating back centuries. Explore the Dongmunseokdang stone gate, the Samcheungseoktap three-story stone pagoda, Naju Hyanggyo Confucian Academy, and more.
  2. Stunning natural landscapes: Discover the breathtaking beauty of Naju-sis natural attractions. Visit the scenic cliffs of Angam Rock, which stand tall against the blue waters of the Yeongsan River. Explore the serene valleys and lush forests of Geumsung Mountain, offering picturesque hiking trails and a tranquil atmosphere.
  3. Naju Lake and surrounding cultural sites: Designated as a national tourist site, Naju Lake boasts stunning surroundings and is a perfect spot for relaxation. Explore nearby cultural heritage sites such as Bulhoesa Temple and Unheungsa Temple, showcasing the regions rich history and architectural marvels.
  4. Unique local specialties: Naju-si is renowned for its local delicacies. Taste the Naju Gomtang, a traditional beef bone soup that has gained popularity among locals and visitors alike. Dont miss the opportunity to try the Naju Salmon, a dish made from locally caught fish known as the specialty of the region.

Plan your Visit:

  • Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit Naju-si is during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) seasons when the weather is pleasant, and the landscapes are adorned with vibrant colors.
  • Transportation: Naju-si can be reached by train or bus from major cities like Seoul or Gwangju. A local bus network operates within the city, making it easy to get around and explore different attractions.
  • Language: The primary language spoken in Naju-si is Korean. While English may not be widely spoken, locals are often friendly and helpful.
  • Currency: The official currency in South Korea is the Korean Won (KRW). Credit cards are widely accepted, but its always a good idea to carry some cash for smaller establishments.
  • Safety: Naju-si is generally a safe city for travelers. However, its always recommended to take general precautions and be mindful of your belongings.

Embark on a journey to Naju-si and immerse yourself in its rich history, stunning landscapes, and unique cultural experiences. This hidden gem will leave you with cherished memories and a deeper appreciation for South Koreas diverse travel destinations.

Naju Image Theme Park. Photo by

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