Gokseong Dangunjeon Shrine

Visit Dangunjeon Shrine and immerse yourself in the legendary history of ancient Korea. Learn about the founding of Gojoseon by Dangun, the grandson of the heavens, and witness the annual ancestral rite that pays respects to this iconic figure. Don't miss the chance to explore the historical artifacts and landmarks that commemorate the March 1st Independence Movement and the bravery of Shin Tae-yun.

Discover the Legendary Founder of Korea at Dangunjeon Shrine

Welcome to Dangunjeon Shrine, a historic tourist destination in Gokseong, South Korea. This shrine is dedicated to Dangun, the legendary figure known as the founder of Gojoseon, the ancient kingdom of Korea. Here, you can immerse yourself in the fascinating story of Dangun and explore the rich history and culture of South Korea.

Unveiling the Legend of Dangun

The legend of Dangun dates back thousands of years and is a captivating tale of divine origins. According to the legend, Dangun is the grandson of the heavens and the son of Hwanung. Hwanung was approached by a bear and a tiger who wished to become human beings. In response, Hwanung instructed them to avoid sunlight for 100 days and survive on garlic and mugwort. While the tiger gave up, the bear faithfully followed the instructions and transformed into a woman. This woman then married Hwanung and gave birth to Dangun, who later went on to establish the kingdom of Gojoseon.

A Historic Shrine with Cultural Significance

Dangunjeon Shrine holds immense cultural significance for the Korean people. Originally founded in 1916 by Shin Tae-yun, also known as Baekdang, the shrine was later relocated to its current location in Gokseong-eup and underwent reconstruction in 1931. Today, the shrine hosts an annual ancestral rite on October 3rd, which coincides with National Foundation Day, and on March 15th to pay respects to Dangun. These ceremonies offer a unique opportunity to witness traditional Korean rituals and experience the deep respect for ancestors that is deeply rooted in Korean culture.

A Place of Resistance and Commemoration

Dangunjeon Shrine not only serves as a place of worship but also holds historical significance as a site of resistance against Japanese colonization. During this period, civilians gathered at the shrine to take oaths of patriotism, showing their determination to fight for their independence. Today, you can explore the area and discover a stone plaque commemorating the March 1st Independence Movement, a pivotal event in Korea’s fight for freedom. Additionally, within the shrine grounds, you will find the Baekdang Memorial Hall, dedicated to Shin Tae-yun, who was captured by Japanese soldiers during the March 1st Independence Movement and served two years in prison.

As you wander through the serene surroundings of Dangunjeon Shrine, you will not only gain insight into the legendary beginnings of Korea but also appreciate the resilience and unwavering spirit of its people. Immerse yourself in the rich history, culture, and natural beauty of Gokseong, and let Dangunjeon Shrine be a highlight of your South Korean journey.