
Jeju-si, located in the northern part of Jeju Island, is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage and stunning natural landscapes. With its beautiful beaches, volcanic peaks, and historical sites, Jeju-si offers a unique travel experience that is worth exploring.

Why visit Jeju-si:

  • Natural beauty: Jeju-si is home to the majestic Hallasan Mountain, a UNESCO World Heritage site and the highest peak in South Korea. The mountain offers breathtaking hiking trails and scenic views of the island. Additionally, the city boasts stunning beaches, such as Iho Beach and Samyang Beach, perfect for relaxation and water activities.
  • Cultural heritage: Jeju-si is known for its cultural landmarks and historical sites. Explore the Tamra Cultural Village, a preserved traditional village showcasing Jejus unique lifestyle and architecture. Visit the Jeju Folklore and Natural History Museum to learn about the islands rich folklore and natural heritage. Dont miss a visit to Jeju Stone Park, where you can see magnificent rock formations carved by nature.
  • Local cuisine: Jeju-si is a food lovers paradise, offering a variety of local delicacies. Try the famous Jeju black pork, freshly caught seafood, and tangerines, known for their sweet and juicy flavor. Jeju-si is also known for its unique cuisine, such as Jeonbokjuk (abalone porridge) and Heukdwaeji (black pig) BBQ.
  • Outdoor activities: From hiking and biking to fishing and golfing, Jeju-si offers a wide range of outdoor activities. Explore the scenic trails of Hallasan mountain, go fishing at one of the many fishing spots, or play a round of golf at a world-class golf course. There is something for everyone to enjoy in Jeju-si.

Plan your Visit:

  • Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit Jeju-si is during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild and the island is covered in beautiful flowers or colorful foliage.
  • Transportation: Jeju-si can be reached by air or sea. The city is served by Jeju International Airport, which has both domestic and international flights. Ferries are also available from several ports in South Korea.
  • Language: The official language in Jeju-si is Korean. English is spoken in tourist areas, but its always helpful to learn a few basic Korean phrases.
  • Currency: The currency used in Jeju-si is the South Korean Won (KRW). Credit cards are widely accepted, but its advisable to carry cash for smaller shops and local markets.
  • Safety: Jeju-si is generally a safe city for travelers. However, its always recommended to take basic precautions, such as being aware of your surroundings and keeping your belongings secure.

Whether youre seeking natural beauty, cultural experiences, or outdoor adventures, Jeju-si has something for everyone. Discover the enchanting charm of this city and create unforgettable memories on your visit to Jeju-si.

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