Pyeongsari Field

Immerse yourself in the picturesque beauty of Pyeongsari Field, a sprawling agricultural haven along the Seomjingang River, and discover the enchanting setting that inspired a renowned novel. Indulge in the serenity of this vast field, encompassing 2,743,801㎡, and experience the rich history and vibrant charm that it holds.

Experience the Serenity of Pyeongsari Field

Welcome to Pyeongsari Field, a breathtaking tourist destination nestled along the picturesque Seomjingang River. With its rich history, stunning natural beauty, and tranquil surroundings, this enchanting field is the perfect retreat for those seeking a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

A Historical Gem

Pyeongsari Field holds a significant place in the hearts of the local community and has played a vital role in sustaining the villagers for generations. Serving as the central farming field, it has provided nourishment and sustenance to the residents for many years. The field’s historical importance is further highlighted by its presence in Park Kyongni’s renowned novel, “Land,” making it a must-visit destination for literature enthusiasts.

An Expanse of Beauty

Prepare to be captivated by the sheer size and beauty of Pyeongsari Field, one of the largest fields found along the Seomjingang River, spanning an impressive 2,743,801 square meters. As you enter this vast expanse of greenery, you will be greeted by rolling hills, endless stretches of lush farmland, and a tranquil atmosphere that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and at peace.

Activities for Nature Enthusiasts

For nature enthusiasts and outdoor lovers, Pyeongsari Field offers a myriad of exciting activities to indulge in. Take a leisurely stroll through the expansive field and immerse yourself in the serenity of nature. Capture stunning photographs of the picturesque landscape, breathe in the fresh countryside air, and witness the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

If you’re feeling more adventurous, embark on a scenic bike ride along the well-maintained trails that wind through the field. Feel the wind in your hair as you pedal your way through the captivating countryside, taking in the breathtaking views that surround you. With each turn, you’ll discover hidden gems and unforgettable vistas that will make your journey truly memorable.

Immerse Yourself in Local Culture

While exploring Pyeongsari Field, make sure to take the time to engage with the friendly locals and learn about their way of life. Experience the warmth and hospitality of the villagers as they share their stories, traditions, and culinary delights. Indulge in local delicacies made from fresh produce grown in the field, and savor the authentic flavors that have been passed down through generations.

Unwind and Reconnect

Whether you’re seeking a peaceful retreat or an opportunity to reconnect with nature, Pyeongsari Field offers the perfect escape. Leave behind the stresses of everyday life as you immerse yourself in the tranquil surroundings and embrace the beauty of this idyllic destination. Take a moment to breathe, relax, and let the serenity of Pyeongsari Field wash over you, leaving you refreshed and revitalized.

Plan your visit to Pyeongsari Field today and experience the beauty, history, and serenity that this enchanting destination has to offer. Get ready for an unforgettable journey filled with natural wonders, cultural experiences, and moments of pure bliss.