Dodonghang Port

Experience the scenic beauty of Dodonghang Port, nestled on Ulleungdo Island, as you pass by the majestic Manghyangbong Peak and Haengnam Lighthouse. With its rich history and plans for future development, this port is a gateway to a hidden gem waiting to be explored.

Welcome to Dodonghang Port, the Gateway to Ulleungdo Island

  • Location: 188 kilometers northeast of Pohang
  • Established: 1977
  • Port Capacity: 20,000 tons of cargo annually

As you step foot onto Dodonghang Port, you’ll immediately feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. This bustling ferry port serves as the gateway to the enchanting Ulleungdo Island, offering visitors a unique and unforgettable travel experience. With its picturesque landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant local community, Ulleungdo Island has become a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a break from the ordinary. So, hop aboard and let the adventures begin!

A Scenic Arrival

As your ferry approaches Dodonghang Port, be prepared to be awestruck by the breathtaking views that greet you. To your left, you’ll catch a glimpse of the majestic Manghyangbong Peak, its rugged silhouette standing proudly against the sky. On your right, Haengnam Lighthouse stands tall, guiding ships safely to the port. This mesmerizing panorama sets the tone for the natural beauty and tranquility that await you on Ulleungdo Island.

A Port of Trade and Connection

Dodonghang Port plays a vital role in the daily lives of the island’s residents. With a capacity of 20,000 tons of cargo annually, it serves as the primary import hub, ensuring a steady supply of goods for the local community. Step foot on the quay wall, completed in 1977, and witness the organized chaos as merchants and fishermen diligently carry out their trade. As you observe the hustle and bustle around you, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the island’s interconnectedness with the mainland.

A Haven for Seafood Enthusiasts

One of the port’s main exports is the squid caught in the pristine waters surrounding Ulleungdo Island. Known for its exceptional quality, the island’s squid has gained recognition far and wide. As a seafood enthusiast, you’re in for a treat! Sample the freshest and most succulent squid dishes at the local eateries near Dodonghang Port, where skilled chefs transform these ocean gems into mouthwatering culinary creations. Be sure to try iconic dishes like squid sashimi or spicy stir-fried squid, guaranteed to tantalize your taste buds!

Exploring Beyond the Port

While Dodonghang Port serves as your point of arrival, it’s just the beginning of your Ulleungdo Island adventure. The island beckons you to explore its hidden treasures, from breathtaking hiking trails that wind through lush forests to stunning coastal cliffs that plunge into the deep blue sea. Immerse yourself in the island’s rich history and culture by visiting ancient temples, picturesque villages, and traditional markets. With each step, you’ll discover the warmth and hospitality of the locals, who are more than eager to share their island paradise with you.

So, whether you’re seeking an escape from the ordinary, a connection with nature, or a cultural journey like no other, Dodonghang Port and Ulleungdo Island have it all. From the moment you set foot on this enchanting island, you’ll be captivated by its charm and beauty. Prepare to create lasting memories and embark on an adventure that will stay with you long after you bid farewell to this captivating destination. Welcome to Ulleungdo Island!