Baegamsan Mountain

Welcome to the breathtaking Baegamsan Mountain, a true paradise for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. Known as the ‘White Rock Mountains’, this scenic destination is characterized by its stunning peaks adorned with white-colored rocks, which create a striking contrast against the clear blue sky. Are you ready to embark on a memorable journey to this natural wonderland?

One of the highlights of Baegamsan Mountain is its reputation for receiving abundant snow during the winter season. Imagine yourself hiking up to the mountain peak in the early morning, surrounded by a serene blanket of snow, and witnessing the magical spectacle of the sunrise over the East Sea. It’s a moment you won’t want to miss, as the golden rays paint the landscape in vibrant hues, awakening your senses to the beauty of nature.

To begin your hiking adventure, make your way to the Baegam Hot Springs Hotel, where the trail awaits you. As you ascend, following the southern ridges and passing through enchanting pine tree forests, you’ll gradually find yourself closer to the top of the mountain. And once you reach the summit, prepare to be mesmerized. From this vantage point, a panorama of breathtaking views unfolds before your eyes. Feast your gaze upon the vastness of the East Sea and the majestic mountains that stretch as far as the eye can see to the west and north. It’s a sight that will leave you in awe of nature’s grandeur.

Descending from the peaks, you’ll find yourself in the presence of historical treasures. Below Baegamsan Mountain lie the Gomosanseong Fortress, Halmaesanseong Fortress, and Baegamsanseong Fortress. These ancient fortresses are a testament to the rich history and culture of the region, offering a glimpse into the past. Explore their ancient walls, envisioning the tales they hold, and immerse yourself in the intriguing stories of old.

After a day of adventure and exploration, indulge in a well-deserved relaxation at the Baegamsan Hot Springs Resort, conveniently located at the foot of the mountain. The rejuvenating spas at the resort offer the perfect retreat, allowing you to soak away any tiredness and immerse yourself in the healing powers of the natural hot springs. It’s the ideal way to end your day, pampering both body and soul.

To make your way to Baegamsan Mountain, start your journey from Dong Seoul Bus Terminal. Take an intercity bus that will transport you to Onjeong Bus Terminal. From there, a short walk of approximately 579 meters will bring you to the foot of the mountain, where your adventure awaits.

Whether you seek the thrill of hiking, the serenity of nature, or the allure of history, Baegamsan Mountain offers an unforgettable experience. Get ready to be captivated by its majestic landscapes, enchanted by its rich heritage, and rejuvenated by its soothing hot springs. Your journey to this hidden gem awaits, so why not start planning your visit today? Baegamsan Mountain is calling, and you won’t want to miss its irresistible allure.