Tomb of King Wonseong

Explore the ancient charm of South Korea at the historic tomb of King Wonseong, adorned with oriental zodiac figures and stone statues reminiscent of the Tang dynasty, offering a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the Silla Kingdom.

Welcome to the Tomb of King Wonseong: A Window into Silla Kingdom’s Rich History

Welcome to the Tomb of King Wonseong, a historic tourist destination that offers a glimpse into the fascinating world of the Silla Kingdom. As the 38th king of the Silla Kingdom, King Wonseong’s tomb holds great significance and is a testament to the rich history and cultural heritage of South Korea. Situated in Oedong-eup, Wolseong-gun, Gyeongju, this ancient burial site, known as Gwaereung, is sure to captivate your imagination and transport you back in time.

Exploring the Tomb

Once you arrive at Gwaereung, you will be greeted by a magnificent tomb that stands 21.9 meters in diameter and 7.7 meters high. The tomb is encircled by a stone fence adorned with twelve oriental zodiac images, a characteristic feature of Silla tombs. As you wander around the area, you will also encounter various stone monuments that bring the past to life.

  • Hwapyoseok: This stone marks the border of the tomb, serving as a boundary between the king’s final resting place and the outside world.
  • Muninseok: Discover the civil servant statue, which stands proudly facing the tomb. It is a reminder of the important roles played by officials during the Silla Kingdom.
  • Muinseok: One of the most intriguing statues you’ll encounter is the military officer image. Known for its exotic appearance, it is often compared to a strong and charismatic person of Arabic or Persian descent. This statue mirrors the diverse influences that shaped the Silla Kingdom.
  • Dolsaja: Keep an eye out for the stone lion that guards the tomb. This symbol of protection adds a touch of mystery to the site.

With its unique blend of architectural styles, Gwaereung embraces both Silla and Tang dynasty influences. While it pays homage to the tombs of the Tang dynasty, it still retains the distinct characteristics of Silla tombs, showcasing the rich cultural exchange that took place during the Silla Kingdom era.

Getting There

If you’re traveling from Seoul, you can easily reach Gwaereung by bus. Simply head to Seoul Express Bus Terminal or Dong Seoul Bus Terminal and hop on a bus to Gyeongju Bus Terminal. From there, take Bus No. 600, 605, 606, 607, 608, or 609 and alight at the entrance of Gwaereung Bus Stop.

Prepare to immerse yourself in history as you embark on a journey to the Tomb of King Wonseong. Marvel at the awe-inspiring architecture, soak in the stories told by the stone statues, and let the atmosphere transport you to a bygone era. Your visit to Gwaereung promises to be a memorable one, filled with discovery and wonder.