Jisandong Ancient Tombs

Discover the ancient capital of Daegaya in Goryeong, where you can explore the 200 gobuns (ancient tombs) that reveal the rich history and social structure of this once powerful city-state. Delve into the flourishing culture of Gaya with the exhibit hall showcasing artifacts like gilt-bronze crowns, swords, and trinkets of gold, silver, and jade.

Discover the Ancient Tombs of Jisandong: A Glimpse into the History of Daegaya

Welcome to Jisandong Ancient Tombs, a historic tourist destination nestled in the city of Goryeong, South Korea. As you explore this incredible site, you’ll be transported back in time to the ancient kingdom of Daegaya, which thrived from 42-562 AD. Jisandong Ancient Tombs offer a captivating glimpse into the rich cultural heritage and social structures of this once-flourishing city-state. Let’s delve into the fascinating history and significance of these ancient tombs.

Unveiling the Majestic Gobuns

On the southeastern slope of Jusan Mountain in Goryeong, you will find approximately 200 gobuns, also known as ancient tombs. In ancient times, the size and elevation of a tomb were indicative of the social status of the individual buried within. The largest tomb, Geumnim Wangneung or the Royal Tomb of King Geumnim, stands as a testament to the highest regal authority of Daegaya. Other large tombs are believed to belong to other kings of this illustrious kingdom. As you explore the area, you’ll be fascinated by the grandeur and significance of these remarkable burial sites, with the larger royal tombs dominating the mountain ridge while smaller tombs are scattered across the slopes and foothills.

A Glimpse into the Flourishing Culture of Daegaya

In 1977, extensive research on Daegaya began with the excavation and partial identification of the ancient tombs in Goryeong. These excavations, led by research teams from Kyungpook National University and Keimyung University, uncovered a treasure trove of relics. Imagine gazing upon glistening gilt-bronze crowns, swords, armor, and trinkets made from gold, silver, and jade. These precious artifacts shed light on the vibrant and prosperous culture that once thrived in Daegaya. As you wander through Jisandong Ancient Tombs, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the historical significance and artistic achievements of this ancient civilization.

The Daegaya Royal Tomb Exhibit Hall

To further foster interest in the captivating history and culture of Daegaya, the officials of Goryeong-gun County established the Daegaya Royal Tomb Exhibit Hall. Located at the foot of Jusan Mountain in Gobun-gun, Jisan-dong, this exhibition hall provides a comprehensive insight into the social structure of the era. You’ll have the opportunity to explore ancient customs, including the practice of burying servants alive with their deceased masters. Through informative exhibits and immersive displays, the Daegaya Royal Tomb Exhibit Hall brings the history of Daegaya to life, allowing visitors to engage with the fascinating customs and traditions of this ancient kingdom.

Getting to Jisandong Ancient Tombs

To reach Jisandong Ancient Tombs, you can start your journey from Seoul. Head to Nambu Bus Terminal and take an intercity bus to Goryeong Intercity Bus Terminal. From there, a short 10-minute taxi ride will bring you to the mesmerizing site of Jisandong Ancient Tombs. The convenience of transportation ensures that your visit to this historic tourist destination is both accessible and enjoyable.

Whether you are an avid history enthusiast or simply curious about the ancient civilizations that shaped South Korea, Jisandong Ancient Tombs is a must-visit destination. Immerse yourself in the rich history, culture, and archaeological wonders of Daegaya as you explore the grandeur of these ancient burial sites. Prepare to be captivated by the stories and mysteries that lie within the sacred grounds of Jisandong Ancient Tombs.