Hwaam Tourist Attractions

Experience the breathtaking beauty of Hwaam Tourist Attractions in South Korea, where you can explore stunning sights such as the Hwaamdonggul Cave, Turtle Rock, and Molundae Cliff, surrounded by majestic mountains and cliffs, and immerse yourself in the rich culture and natural wonders of the country.

Discover the Stunning Hwaam Tourist Attractions

Welcome to Hwaam Tourist Attractions, a collection of eight breathtaking sights nestled in the heart of South Korea. As you make your way along the winding road that leads to these scenic wonders, you’ll be treated to captivating views of majestic mountains, dramatic cliffs, and vibrant fall foliage during autumn. To ensure your exploration is smooth and hassle-free, signposts have been installed along the way, guiding you to each of the attractions. Let’s dive into the beauty and charm of Hwaam!

1. Hwaam Mineral Spring

Begin your journey with a visit to Hwaam Mineral Spring, located in Dong-myeon, Jeongseon. This natural wonder features water that gushes up through a rock crater, offering not only a picturesque sight but also reputed health benefits. The water is said to be beneficial for stomachaches, eye infections, and skin diseases. With its crisp and clean taste, thanks to essential elements like calcium and fluorine, a sip from this spring is truly refreshing.

2. Turtle Rock

As you make your way to Hwaam Mineral Spring, you’ll pass by a cliff that boasts a remarkable formation known as Turtle Rock. This rock resembles the shape of a turtle and serves as a delightful reminder of the fascinating wonders nature can create. Don’t forget to pause and capture a photo of this unique natural sculpture.

3. Yongmaso

Next on your itinerary is Yongmaso, a serene lake renowned for its crystal-clear waters and expansive sheets of rock. This picturesque attraction is a favorite among vacationers seeking relaxation and tranquility. Take a leisurely stroll along the lakeside, breathe in the fresh air, and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature.

4. Hwaamdonggul Cave

Prepare to embark on an extraordinary underground adventure at Hwaamdonggul Cave. Once a gold mine, this captivating cave now showcases a mesmerizing combination of stalactites and nature. With a vast open space of 2,800 square meters and a visitor path spanning 1,803 meters, you’ll have the opportunity to explore its five chapters and 41 zones. Allow at least an hour and a half to fully appreciate the awe-inspiring beauty of this unique theme-based cave.

5. Hwapyoju Cliff

Hwapyoju Cliff awaits you as you continue your journey from Hwaam-dong to Molundae. This remarkable cliff stands tall, resembling a giant sheet of rock or two pillars side by side. Take a moment to marvel at the wonders of nature and let your imagination run wild as you soak in the breathtaking views.

6. Sogeumgang River

Prepare to be captivated by the beauty of Sogeumgang River, a four-kilometer stretch from Hwapyoju to Molundae. Surrounded by towering rock cliffs and lush forests, this small Geumgang River offers a mesmerizing scenery reminiscent of the breathtaking Geumgangsan Mountain. Allow yourself to be swept away by the tranquility and serenity of this natural wonder.

7. Molundae Cliff

Molundae Cliff, also known as “the cliff beyond which clouds disappear,” is a sight to behold. Adorned with three magnificent 500-year-old pine trees on its steep tip, this cliff has a mythical aura. Legend has it that gods would perch on its top to admire the stunning view. At the foot of the cliff lies a large sheet of rock, providing ample space for hundreds of visitors to gather and revel in the beauty that surrounds them.

8. Gwangdaegok Valley

End your journey at the enigmatic Gwangdaegok Valley, a place where heaven, earth, and clouds converge. The surrounding hills, rough and bumpy, add to the allure of this renowned mountain in Korea. Wild-ginseng diggers believe that praying in Gwangdaegok brings them luck in finding great ginseng. Immerse yourself in the mystical atmosphere and let the energy of this place captivate your soul.

How to Get There

Getting to Hwaam Tourist Attractions is easy. If you’re coming from Seoul, you can take a bus from East Seoul Terminal to Jeongseon, with nine rounds of service available daily. The journey takes approximately three and a half hours. Alternatively, you can take a bus from East Seoul Terminal to Gohan, which operates 24 times a day and takes about two hours and 50 minutes. From Gohan, catch a bus to Jeongseon, with 10 daily services running between 07:20 and 17:50.

Once you arrive in Jeongseon, take a city bus to Dong-myeon, where the attractions are located. Thirteen rounds of bus services operate daily between 06:00 and 20:00, with a travel time of approximately 25 minutes.

So, pack your bags, put on your hiking shoes, and get ready to be amazed by the natural wonders of Hwaam Tourist Attractions. Embark on an unforgettable journey through breathtaking landscapes, remarkable caves, and enchanting cliffs. Let the beauty of South Korea’s hidden gems leave you in awe and create memories that will last a lifetime.