Castle at Hwajinpo

Discover the hidden history of the Castle of Hwajinpo, once a summer getaway for North Korea's leader, and step into the past with a faithfully recreated exhibition showcasing the Kim family's vacation experiences.

Getting There

  • From Dong Seoul Bus Terminal, take a bus to Ganseong Intercity Bus Terminal.
  • From Ganseong Bus Terminal, take a taxi for approximately 15 minutes to reach the Castle of Hwajinpo.

Welcome to the historic Castle of Hwajinpo! This magnificent summer retreat holds great significance in the history of South Korea, as it was once the vacation spot for Kim Il-sung, the former leader of North Korea, and his family. Built in 1938 by a German architect for the Sherwood Hall missionary family, the castle is a stunning example of architecture from that era. Today, it stands as a museum, allowing visitors to explore the rooms and learn about the life of the Kim family during their stays here. Let’s embark on a journey through time and delve into the fascinating history of this remarkable place.

History and Significance

The Castle of Hwajinpo holds a rich history that dates back to its construction in 1938. Originally built as a summer retreat for the Sherwood Hall missionary family, it later became the cherished vacation spot for Kim Il-sung and his family from 1948 to 1950. The castle witnessed the joys and laughter of the Kim family, capturing precious moments of their lives through photographs that are displayed in the exhibition today. As you explore the meticulously recreated rooms, you will gain insight into the daily lives and activities of this influential family during their stays here.

Architectural Marvel

The Castle of Hwajinpo is a true architectural marvel. Constructed entirely of stone, the building showcases a basement level and two above-ground floors. Its design, influenced by German architecture, exudes a unique charm that sets it apart from other structures in the area. As you walk through the castle, you can admire the intricate details and craftsmanship that went into its construction, providing a glimpse into the architectural styles of the late 1930s. It’s truly a sight to behold!


The Castle of Hwajinpo offers an immersive exhibition that takes you back in time. Through extensive photographic research, the rooms have been faithfully recreated to showcase the original furnishings, decor, and ambiance. You can explore the bedrooms, living areas, and even the dining room, gaining a deeper understanding of how the Kim family spent their time in this idyllic retreat. The exhibition provides a fascinating glimpse into the personal life of this influential family, creating a truly unforgettable experience for visitors.

So, pack your bags, hop on a bus, and get ready to immerse yourself in the rich history and captivating stories of the Castle of Hwajinpo. This remarkable destination offers a unique glimpse into the lives of some of South Korea’s most influential figures. Come and experience the beauty and significance of this historic site firsthand!