Deungseon Falls

Welcome to Deungseon Falls, a breathtaking natural wonder nestled in the scenic Samaksan Mountain in Chuncheon. As a tourist destination renowned for its picturesque waterfalls, Deungseon Falls is sure to enchant and captivate visitors from all walks of life.

As you embark on your journey to Deungseon Falls, prepare to be greeted by a narrow and deep gorge that exudes a sense of mystery and wonder. The gorge, formed through quartzitic jointing, is adorned with peculiar rocks and stones that appear sharp and precipitous, adding to the enchanting ambiance of the area.

One of the main attractions of Deungseon Falls is its refreshing cool temperature, which makes it a popular summer retreat for locals and tourists alike. The falls and its surrounding gorge provide a welcome respite from the summer heat, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the tranquility and beauty of nature.

Deungseon Falls is part of the renowned Eight Sights of Deungseon, which also includes Seunghak Falls, Baengnyeon Falls, and Biryong Falls. These eight sights have long been celebrated for their natural splendor and are a testament to the awe-inspiring beauty that can be found in this region.

To begin your adventure to Deungseon Falls, the quickest route is to start from the Deungseon Falls Ticket Booth, conveniently located near Gangchon. From there, you can follow the hiking trail that will lead you to the falls, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area.

If you prefer public transportation, you can easily reach Deungseon Falls by bus or train. From Dong Seoul Bus Terminal, take an intercity bus to Chuncheon Intercity Bus Terminal. Once you arrive, board Bus 51 and alight at Samaksan Mountain Bus Stop. From there, a scenic 350-meter trek along the picturesque trekking road will bring you to the valley.

Alternatively, if you decide to take the train, you can hop on an ITX-train to Gangchon Station. From there, a short 9-minute taxi ride covering a distance of approximately 6 kilometers will transport you to the valley, where the enchanting Deungseon Falls awaits.

Prepare yourself for a truly unforgettable experience as you witness the beauty and grandeur of Deungseon Falls. This natural masterpiece is a testament to the awe-inspiring wonders that await in Chuncheon’s Samaksan Mountain. So pack your bags, grab your camera, and embark on an adventure to Deungseon Falls that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime.