The 2nd Tunnel - Cheorwon

Explore the hidden secrets of South Korea's history by venturing deep underground into the 2nd Tunnel, a fascinating site where North Koreans constructed a covert invasion route. Discover the intricate network that spans 3.5 kilometers, experience the eerie military plaza within, and immerse yourself in the captivating stories of this historic landmark.

Exploring the Historic 2nd Tunnel in Cheorwon

Welcome to Cheorwon, a fascinating destination in South Korea that offers a glimpse into the country’s tumultuous history. One of the must-visit attractions here is the 2nd Tunnel, an underground passage constructed by North Koreans during the height of the Korean War. Join us as we venture into this historic tunnel and uncover its secrets.

A Remarkable Discovery

On March 24, 1975, the 2nd Tunnel was discovered, revealing a sinister plan by North Korea to invade South Korea. Stretching over 3.5 kilometers in length and descending as deep as 160 meters below the surface, this tunnel was strategically designed to facilitate the rapid movement of armed forces and tanks. Today, only 500 meters of the tunnel are open for tourism, allowing visitors to experience this remarkable piece of history firsthand.

A Journey Underground

To reach the 2nd Tunnel, you can start your journey from Dong Seoul Bus Terminal. Take an intercity bus to Dongsong-eup Bus Terminal, and from there, hop on a city bus bound for Sintan-ri. Enjoy the scenic ride as the bus passes through notable landmarks like the Cheorwon Korean Workers’ Party Headquarters and Baengmagoji Battlefield. Finally, alight at Sintan-ri Bus Stop, where you’ll begin your exploration of the tunnel.

Unveiling the Secrets

As you enter the 2nd Tunnel, be prepared to be awestruck by its sheer size and engineering. Inside, you’ll find a plaza that was once intended to gather a large military force. Divided into three exits, this tunnel could have accommodated up to thirty thousand armed forces per hour during its intended use.

Today, the tunnel functions as part of the Cheorwon Security Tourism Course, attracting numerous visitors each year. It serves as a stark reminder of the tense history between North and South Korea and the ever-present need for vigilance and security.

Immersing in Cheorwon’s Rich History

While the 2nd Tunnel is undoubtedly the highlight of a visit to Cheorwon, don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the area’s rich history. Explore other historical sites nearby, including the Cheorwon Korean Workers’ Party Headquarters and the Baengmagoji Battlefield. These locations provide further insights into the Korean War and the struggles faced by the people of this region.

As you wander through Cheorwon, you’ll also be captivated by its picturesque landscapes and natural beauty. Marvel at the rolling hills, lush forests, and serene rivers that dot the area. Take a moment to breathe in the fresh air and appreciate the tranquility that now prevails in this historically significant destination.

Plan Your Visit to the 2nd Tunnel

When planning your trip to the 2nd Tunnel in Cheorwon, it’s advisable to check the opening hours and any restrictions that may be in place due to ongoing security protocols. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes as you’ll be walking through the tunnel, and consider bringing a light jacket as the underground temperature can be slightly cooler.

Immerse yourself in the history, culture, and beauty of Cheorwon as you embark on an unforgettable journey through the 2nd Tunnel. Whether you’re a history enthusiast or simply curious about South Korea’s past, this unique attraction will leave you with a deeper appreciation for the resilience and determination of the Korean people.