Daeheung Dongheon

Discover the rich history of the Joseon dynasty at "Dongheon," a beautifully restored administrative building that offers a glimpse into the architectural marvels of the late Joseon dynasty. Immerse yourself in the stories carved on its gate and experience the grandeur of traditional Korean architecture.

Discover the Historic Daeheung Dongheon: A Glimpse into Joseon Dynasty

Welcome to Daeheung Dongheon, a fascinating tourist destination that takes you back in time to the Joseon dynasty! As you step into this ancient administrative building, known as a “Dongheon,” be prepared to immerse yourself in the rich history, culture, and architectural splendor of South Korea. Let’s embark on a journey to explore this remarkable heritage site together!

A Glimpse into the Past

Dongheon, with its origins dating back to the 15th century, served as the administrative headquarters for the top city official during the Joseon dynasty. The original construction of this tile-roofed house took place in 1407, making it an invaluable relic from our nation’s historic past. This architectural marvel reflects the late Joseon dynasty style and showcases the exquisite craftsmanship of that era.

A Restored Heritage

After centuries of existence, Daeheung Dongheon underwent a remarkable restoration in 1979. The meticulous restoration process aimed to bring the building back to its original glory, allowing visitors to witness its magnificent appearance as it stood centuries ago. As you explore the premises, notice the attention to detail that went into preserving the authenticity of every architectural element.

Exploring Daeheung Dongheon

Step into a world of tradition and elegance as you enter Daeheung Dongheon. Marvel at the grandeur of its structure, with its front measuring approximately 14.4 meters, sides spanning 4.8 meters, and a height of 3.3 meters. As you walk through its corridors, observe the ornate details, the traditional tile roofs, and the graceful design that showcases the architectural prowess of the Joseon dynasty.

Getting There

If you’re starting your journey from Seoul, head to the Seoul Nambu Bus Terminal (Subway Line 3) and catch a bus to Yesan Bus Terminal. From there, hop on a bus to Yedang, where you’ll find the entrance to Daeheung Dongheon awaiting your arrival. Enjoy the scenic ride and soak in the beauty of the South Korean countryside as you make your way to this historic destination.

  • From Seoul Nambu Bus Terminal (Subway Line 3) to Yesan Bus Terminal
  • From Yesan Bus Terminal, take a bus to Yedang

With its incredible historical significance, Daeheung Dongheon is a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts, culture aficionados, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of South Korea’s past. Prepare to be captivated by the charm and grandeur of this ancient administrative building, and let the stories of the Joseon dynasty unfold before your eyes.