National Mang-Hyang Cemetery

Visit the National Mang-Hyang Cemetery in South Korea to pay homage to Koreans who longed for their homeland, and explore the KAL Memorial Tower for a poignant reminder of their sacrifices. Experience the heartfelt annual memorial service held amidst the serene surroundings.

Welcoming You to the National Mang-Hyang Cemetery

Welcome to the National Mang-Hyang Cemetery, a historic tourist destination in South Korea. This sacred place serves as a final resting place for Koreans who lived and passed away in foreign lands. Established in 1976 by the Korean government, the cemetery stands as a tribute to compatriots who were forced to leave their beloved homeland during the Japanese colonial rule and found their eternal rest in distant lands.

History and Significance

The National Mang-Hyang Cemetery holds immense historical significance, representing the perseverance and resilience of the Korean people. During the Japanese colonial era, countless Koreans were forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in foreign countries. Many of them faced hardships, endured discrimination, and ultimately, were laid to rest in faraway lands. This cemetery stands as a poignant reminder of their sacrifices and honors their memory.

The KAL Memorial Tower

Within the cemetery grounds, you’ll find the KAL Memorial Tower, a striking monument commemorating the victims of Korean Air Flight 858. This tragic event occurred in 1987, when the flight was bombed by North Korean agents, resulting in the loss of 115 innocent lives. The memorial tower stands tall, paying tribute to those who perished and serving as a symbol of unity and remembrance.

Memorial Services

Every fall, the National Mang-Hyang Cemetery becomes the focal point for a large-scale memorial service. Families and loved ones of those laid to rest here gather to pay their respects, offer prayers, and remember the lives of their ancestors. This solemn ceremony is a powerful reminder of the enduring connection between the past and present, and the importance of honoring our history.

Getting Here

If you’re planning to visit the National Mang-Hyang Cemetery, getting here is quite convenient. From the Cheonan Intercity Bus Terminal or Cheonan Station, you can take Bus No. 200 or 201 bound for Seonggeo, Ipjang, or Anseong. Simply alight at the National Mang-Hyang Cemetery Bus Stop, and you’ll be just steps away from this historic site.

As you explore the National Mang-Hyang Cemetery, take a moment to reflect on the stories of those who lie here, their journeys, and the legacy they have left behind. This sacred place is not just a tourist spot, but a testament to the resilience, history, and culture of the Korean people.