Baeron Holy Ground

Experience the sacred history of Baeron Holy Ground, where Korean Catholics sought refuge during times of persecution, and explore the breathtaking surrounding mountains of Guhaksan, Baegunsan, and Chiaksan. Don't miss the chance to visit the graves of Korea's second Roman Catholic priest and the Martyr Hwang Sa-yeong Memorial Tower.

A Historic Spiritual Sanctuary: Baeron Holy Ground

Welcome to Baeron Holy Ground, a hidden gem nestled along the national highway between Jecheon and Wonju, where history and spirituality converge. This sacred site holds significant importance as the birthplace of Catholicism in Korea, making it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and religious pilgrims alike.

A Haven of Faith and Perseverance

Baeron Holy Ground played a crucial role in the early years of Catholicism in Korea. It served as a refuge for Catholics seeking solace and safety during the Sinhae Persecution of 1791. Here, these brave individuals formed a close-knit community, deepening their faith even in the face of adversity.

Amidst the persecution, one man stands out in history – Hwang Sa-yeong, also known as Alexander. In 1801, he sought refuge in a hidden tunnel, where he meticulously inscribed the plight of the Joseon Catholic Church on silk fabrics. Sadly, Hwang Sa-yeong was eventually captured and martyred, leaving behind an indelible mark in the annals of Korean Catholicism.

A Legacy of Education and Faith

Baeron Holy Ground is not only a sanctuary of faith but also a site of historical significance. It was here that Joseon’s first theological school, St. Joseph Theological School, was established. This institution aimed to educate and nurture future generations of Catholic priests. Although the school was eventually forced to close, its significance in Korean Catholic education remains profound.

At Baeron Holy Ground, you can pay your respects at the gravesite of Fr. Thomas Choe Yang-eop, Korea’s second Roman Catholic priest. His final resting place serves as a reminder of the enduring dedication and sacrifice of those who helped shape the spread of Catholicism in Korea.

Nature’s Embrace

Surrounded by majestic mountains such as Guhaksan, Baegunsan, and Chiaksan, Baeron Holy Ground offers a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. The mountain path leading from the holy ground eventually leads to the enchanting Bakdaljae Natural Forest, making it a perfect destination for nature enthusiasts seeking solace in the embrace of Mother Nature.

Getting to Baeron Holy Ground

If you’re traveling from Seoul, you can easily reach Baeron Holy Ground by taking an intercity bus from Dong Seoul Bus Terminal or Seoul Express Bus Terminal to Jecheon Intercity Bus Terminal or Jecheon Express Bus Terminal. From there, it’s a short walk of just 167 meters towards Jungang Crossing, where you can catch Bus No. 852 at Tongyang Securities Inc. Bus Stop. Simply alight at the Baeron Entrance Bus Stop, conveniently located in front of the holy ground.

Embark on a spiritual journey and immerse yourself in the rich history and cultural heritage of Baeron Holy Ground. Discover the stories of bravery, faith, and perseverance that lie within its hallowed grounds.