Yeongdodaegyo Bridge

Experience the awe-inspiring sight of Yeongdodaegyo Bridge, a fascinating architectural marvel that lifts to allow ships to pass, providing a unique spectacle that has captivated visitors for decades.

Introduction to Yeongdodaegyo Bridge

Welcome to Busan, South Korea, where a fascinating architectural wonder awaits you – the Yeongdodaegyo Bridge! As the first bridge to connect the mainland to Yeongdo Island, this iconic structure has not only played a significant role in the city’s transportation system but has also become a beloved landmark. With its unique design and captivating functionality, the Yeongdodaegyo Bridge offers visitors a glimpse into the rich history and engineering prowess of Busan. So, let’s dive into the story of this magnificent bridge and discover why it continues to captivate both locals and tourists alike.

A Brief History

The construction of the Yeongdodaegyo Bridge dates back to 1934, making it one of the oldest bridges in Busan. Its primary purpose was to provide a much-needed connection between Nampo-dong, a bustling commercial district, and Yeongdo Island, a charming neighborhood known for its scenic views. At the time, the bridge’s lifting mechanism was a novelty, captivating the attention of curious onlookers who would gather to witness the bridge majestically rising to accommodate passing ships.

A Marvel of Engineering

What makes the Yeongdodaegyo Bridge truly impressive is its unique lifting mechanism. To allow ships to pass through, the bridge can be lifted up like a drawbridge, creating a passage for vessels to navigate between the south and north ports of Busan. This fascinating engineering feat not only showcases the ingenuity of its creators but also highlights the city’s commitment to innovation and adaptability. The bridge now lifts multiple times a day, providing a spectacle that still attracts visitors from far and wide.

A Landmark of Busan

With its rich history and distinctive architecture, the Yeongdodaegyo Bridge has become an iconic symbol of Busan. It stands as a testament to the city’s growth and development over the years, reflecting its vibrant maritime culture and industrial progress. Whether you’re strolling along the riverside promenade or admiring the bridge from afar, its presence adds a touch of charm and character to the cityscape. So, don’t miss the opportunity to capture a photo or two with this splendid landmark during your visit to Busan.

Exploring the Surroundings

While marveling at the Yeongdodaegyo Bridge, take the time to explore the surrounding areas and immerse yourself in the local culture. Nampo-dong, the district connected to the bridge, is a vibrant hub of shopping, dining, and entertainment. Here, you’ll find bustling markets, trendy boutiques, and an array of delicious street food stalls. Additionally, Yeongdo Island offers a more laid-back atmosphere, with picturesque landscapes, quaint neighborhoods, and a charming fisherman’s village. You can even venture further to discover attractions such as Taejongdae Park, renowned for its stunning coastal cliffs and panoramic views.


In conclusion, the Yeongdodaegyo Bridge is a must-visit architectural gem in Busan, South Korea. From its role in connecting Nampo-dong to Yeongdo Island to its unique lifting mechanism, this bridge beautifully combines functionality and aesthetics. As you explore the city and marvel at this historic landmark, take a moment to appreciate the blend of tradition and progress that makes Busan such a captivating destination. So, make sure to include the Yeongdodaegyo Bridge in your itinerary and create lasting memories in this remarkable city.