Haedong Yonggungsa Temple

"Experience the breathtaking beauty of Haedong Yonggungsa Temple, a rare coastal temple in Busan. Marvel at the stunning views of the ocean, explore the intricately designed Buddhist sanctum, and make a wish for the new year as you watch the majestic sunrise."

Welcome to Haedong Yonggungsa Temple: A Temple by the Sea

Located on the picturesque coast of Busan, Haedong Yonggungsa Temple is a historic and breathtaking tourist destination that offers a unique experience. Unlike most temples in Korea, which are nestled in the mountains, Haedong Yonggungsa Temple stands proudly along the shoreline, providing visitors with stunning views of the ocean.

A Glimpse into the Past

Step back in time as you explore the ancient origins of Haedong Yonggungsa Temple. Built in 1376 during the Goryeo dynasty by the revered Buddhist teacher Naong, this temple holds immense historical and cultural significance. As you wander through its grounds, you’ll encounter the Haesu Gwaneum Daebul, also known as the Seawater Great Goddess Buddha, the Daeungjeon Main Sanctuary, the Yongwangdang Shrine, the Gulbeop Buddhist Sanctum nestled inside a cave, and a magnificent three-story pagoda adorned with four lions, representing joy, anger, sadness, and happiness.

A Vista of Colors and Serenity

The main sanctuary of Haedong Yonggungsa Temple, reconstructed in 1970, impresses with its vibrant colors that pay homage to traditional architectural styles. On the right-hand side, you’ll discover a one-of-a-kind Buddhist sanctum tucked inside a cave. Just in front of the main sanctuary stands a three-story pagoda, guarded by the four majestic lions. This serene setting creates a sense of peace and tranquility as you explore the temple’s grounds.

A Staircase to Serenity

Embark on a peaceful journey down the 108 steps, adorned with stone lanterns and surrounded by the rocky landscape. As you descend, be captivated by the soothing sounds of the waves crashing against the shore, providing a moment of respite and reflection. It is no wonder that many visitors choose to visit Haedong Yonggungsa Temple on New Year’s Day, making their wishes for the year ahead while witnessing the beauty of the rising sun.

Seasonal Wonders

Haedong Yonggungsa Temple offers its visitors a multitude of captivating experiences throughout the year. In April, the temple is adorned with the delicate blooms of cherry blossoms, creating a breathtaking sight. Additionally, the birth of Buddha, celebrated in the fourth month of the lunar calendar, transforms the temple into a mesmerizing display of lanterns, illuminating the night sky and offering a truly magical experience.

Whether you’re seeking historical insights, stunning coastal views, or a peaceful sanctuary, Haedong Yonggungsa Temple is an exceptional destination that promises to leave you in awe. Come and immerse yourself in the rich history, culture, and natural beauty that this temple has to offer.