Memorial to the Loyal Dead

"Immerse yourself in South Korea's rich history and pay your respects at the Memorial to the Loyal Dead on Gaehwasan Mountain, a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made during the Korean War."

Explore the Historic Memorial to the Loyal Dead

Welcome to the Memorial to the Loyal Dead, a historic tourist destination that pays tribute to the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives during the Korean War. Situated on Gaehwasan Mountain, this memorial holds great significance in South Korean history and offers visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the country’s rich cultural heritage.

A Symbol of Sacrifice and Devotion

The Memorial to the Loyal Dead stands as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by the South Korean soldiers of the First Division’s 11th, 12th, and 15th regiments during the Korean War. In June 1950, these brave soldiers retreated to Gimpo and built a last line of defense on Gaehwasan Mountain. Despite being outnumbered and cut off from their headquarters, they fought valiantly against the invading North Korean army disguised as their own. However, due to limited ammunition and supplies, the South Korean force was ultimately overwhelmed, resulting in their tragic demise.

A Place of Remembrance and Reflection

Established in 1994 by the South Korean government, the Memorial to the Loyal Dead serves as a solemn tribute to those who gave their lives for their country. As you step onto the grounds of Gaehwasan Mountain, you will be surrounded by tranquility and a sense of reverence. The memorial’s serene setting amidst lush greenery offers a peaceful atmosphere for visitors to reflect on the sacrifices made by these loyal soldiers.

Annual Memorial Service

Every year on June 28th, a solemn memorial service is held at the Memorial to the Loyal Dead. This significant date commemorates the bravery and devotion of the fallen soldiers. Attending this service allows visitors to witness firsthand the deep respect and gratitude that the South Korean people continue to hold for those who gave their lives in defense of their nation.

Architectural Marvel and Spiritual Significance

The memorial itself is a remarkable architectural marvel, standing at a towering height of 4.7 meters. Built by the First Division of the ROK Army, the design of the Memorial to the Loyal Dead draws inspiration from the grandeur of Mitasa Temple. Its intricate details and symbolic elements create a harmonious blend of history, culture, and spirituality.

Getting There

To reach the Memorial to the Loyal Dead, make your way to Gaehwa Station (Seoul Subway Line 9) and head towards Exit 1. From there, you can easily take a short taxi ride of approximately 6 minutes to the venue. The convenient transportation options ensure that you can embark on your journey to this historic site with ease.

As you visit the Memorial to the Loyal Dead, take a moment to pay your respects to the brave soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice. This historic destination provides a unique opportunity to delve into South Korea’s rich history, culture, and the unwavering spirit of its people.