Authentic Jeju Dining at Myeongdoam Sudaet: Crafting Delightful Dishes from Native Jeju Beans

Welcome to Myeongdoamsuda Field (명도암수다뜰)

Welcome to Myeongdoamsuda Field (pronounced as Myeong-do-am-su-da-tteul), a restaurant run by dedicated farmers that offers a nostalgic taste of Jeju Island’s traditional food. Nestled at 164 Myeongrim-ro, Jeju City, Jeju-do (former, Bonggae-dong 389), this unique establishment is always ready to serve you from 09:00 to 18:00 daily, all year round.

A Taste of Jeju’s Tradition

Living by the slogan “Delightful food made from Jeju’s native beans (제주도 토종콩으로 만드는 정겨운 음식),” Myeongdoamsuda Field offers an unforgettable culinary experience. As the early winter season makes the cabbages more flavorful, the restaurant’s skillfully prepared soup brims with the rich taste of cabbage and radish. Once it starts boiling, bean powder dissolved in water is added to create a soft tofu-like consistency, making it a reminiscent dish that many have enjoyed from the past.

Directly from the Farm to Your Table

The restaurant boasts its homemade soup and hand-made tofu, all made from beans they grow themselves and purified water from the sea of Jeju. This commitment to using fresh and local ingredients guarantees a meal that is not just delicious but also wholesome and nutritious.

For inquiries, feel free to call the restaurant at 064-723-2722. Experience the warmth and comfort of traditional Jeju cuisine at Myeongdoamsuda Field, where every dish is a testament to the farmers’ dedication and love for their craft.