An Okhwa Food Gallery: A Korean Feast Pleasing to Both Body and Eyes

Experience Authentic Korean Cuisine at Ahn Ok Hwa Food Gallery

Emerging in the heart of Icheon, the Ahn Ok Hwa Food Gallery (안옥화 음식갤러리) captivates both your palate and eyes with their delightful spread of traditional Korean dishes. Founded and managed by Ahn Ok Hwa, the restaurant resonates with her 20 years of culinary research and expertise, particularly in the art of making jochung (조청 – a kind of Korean syrup) and fermented sauces.

Immerse in a Taste of Tradition and Seasonality

Focused on harnessing the power of fermentation and the natural sweetness of jochung, the restaurant prides itself in using locally-sourced ingredients from Icheon. Each dish allows you to savor the fresh taste of seasonal produce and the subtle, complex flavors of the sauces.

Elevating Your Dining Experience

What sets Ahn Ok Hwa Food Gallery apart from other local restaurants is its commitment to a personalized dining experience. Here, every meal is a course. Each time a dish is served, you’ll get an explanation on how to enjoy the dish, significantly enhancing your overall dining experience.

Essential Information

  • Address: 51-12 Seokdong-ro, Sindun-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do
  • Hours: 12:00~21:00
  • Reservation: Required
  • Closed: Every Monday
  • Telephone: 031-631-8375
  • Slogan: “A feast that’s both good for your body and a delightful sight for your eyes”

Experience a slice of Korea’s rich culinary heritage and savor the true essence of its flavors at Ahn Ok Hwa Food Gallery. Don’t miss out on this hidden gem when you visit Icheon!